
Winter 2017 Newsletter-Regional Actions on Pesticides

In this newsletter, we wish to highIight some of the many regional actions that are occurring in the fight against pesticides.

We hope that these actions encourage and inspire you in your own journey against pesticides. If you know of interesting actions or would like to be involved yourself, please be in touch with us!

December-2016, A Year of Action for PAN Europe

2016, A Year of Action for PAN Europe

Happy holidays from the whole team here at PAN Europe! It has been a very active year for PAN Europe! In this Newsletter read about our activities and latest news on pesticide legislation and from our members.

Read Newsletter

SUMMER 2016 - Special Newsletter on Pesticide Action Week

In this newsletter we provide an overview of all of the exciting events of Pesticide Action Week 2016!

Campaign Newsletter September 2015

In this newsletter, read about the on-going actions of PAN-Europe towards a reduced use of pesticides in the EU: pesticide-free town, endocrine disruptors and Integrated Pest Management among other topics.

News Flash 2015

Special Flash Newsletter on the Pesticide Action Week.

Summer 2013

PAN Europe Annual General Assembly 2013, Agriculture, Bees, Chemicals, From our Network, Pesticide Action Week and Other Actions.

News Flash 2013

Special Flash Newsletter on the Pesticide Action Week.

Winter 2012

Bees & neonicotinoides, News from the network, Endocrine disrupting chemicals, Agriculture and National Action Plans, Pesticides and PAN Europe court cases.

Summer 2012

Bee collapse, Endocrine disrupting chemicals in food, The week without pesticides and more.

Winter 2011

EFSA proposal to stop toxicity testing, Revised toxicity testing for pesticides with industry bias, Discussion in European Parliament on the use of science, PAN Europe proposal on mixtures and more.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.