Hosted by Hungarian Ombudsman for Future Generations (Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights), MTVSZ - FoE Hungary, PAN Europe, Hand Alliance, FoE Europe
Where: The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights (1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11; 7th floor Conference room)
When: 17 September 2024, 09:30-16:00 CET
Language: English & Hungarian
9.30-10.00 Registration
10.00-12.00 State of play and next steps in pesticide reduction
- Gyula Bándi, Ombudsman for Future Generations - Opening
- Márton Nobilis, Secretary of State, Ministry of Agriculture - HU EU Presidency contribution
- Claire Bury, Deputy Director-General, DG Sante (video pres.– tbc) - EU Commission view
- Martin Dermine, Executive Director, PAN Europe - NGO view
- Q&A
- Moderated by: Gyula Bándi, Ombudsman for Future Generations
12.00-12.45 Lunch break
12.45-14.10 Pesticide reduction – scientific and practical questions
- András Székács, The European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental
- Responsibility (ENSSER) - Pesticides and farmers/bystanders health
- Mátyás Bekecs, Farmer - Pesticide elimination in practice
- Laszlo Podmanczky, Economist, - Financial sustainability of reducing pesticide dependency
- Robert Fidrich, MTVSZ - FoE Hungary - Impacts of EU pesticide policies on the global South
14.10-14.40 Coffee Break
14.40-15.50 Panel discussion: How to reduce Europe’s pesticide dependency?
- Viktor Balázs, Vice president, Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
- Judit Háhn, MATE University
- Gergely Simon, PAN Europe
- Edit Tóthné Lippai, Vice president, National Food Chain Safety Office, Hungary
- Moderated by: István Farkas, Co-president, FoE Hungary
15.50-16.00 Closing