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March Newsletter 2024
- We’re all exposed to more and more PFAS pesticides in fruit and vegetables
- Farmers, the first victims of pesticides
- Black Day for Health and Biodiversity: EU Commission withdraws proposal for Pesticide Reduction
- The EU guideline that allows to kill most insects
February Newsletter 2024
- The Great Glyphosate Court case has started
- European Parliament: no residues of highly toxic thiacloprid in imported food
- Pesticide reduction is urgent: doing nothing is not an option
- Deregulation of new GMOs: an open door for herbicide-tolerant and pesticide-producing plants?
- EU pesticide committee SCoPAFF: the good, the bad and the ugly
January Newsletter 2024
- 27 organisations ask Belgium to prioritise our health and biodiversity
- 2 new legal actions before the General Court of the EU
- New report: pesticides are leaking from greenhouses
- EU will ban three problematic pesticides only to continue 15 more
- Générations Futures fights prolongation of 5 highly toxic pesticides in EU Court
December Newsletter 2023
- Pesticides: To do nothing is not an option
- Green Deal is dead: MEPs voted against a healthy future for us and our children
- NGOs Challenge Glyphosate Re-approval in EU Court
- Beneath the orange fields: Impact of Glyphosate (herbicides) on soil organisms
- New report exposes hidden threat: PFAS pesticides
November Newsletter 2023
- ENVI Committee Vote on Pesticides Regulation SUR
- EU bans 6 dangerous pesticides: Herbicide S-Metolachlor and 5 Endocrine Disruptors
- EFSA management sabotages pesticide neurotoxicity assessment
- Glyphosate-based herbicides linked to leukemia at a young age
October Newsletter 2023
- Criminal Complaint Against Bayer for Concealing Glyphosate Risks to Pregnant Women
- Expert meeting shows that glyphosate is not safe for health and environment
- Glyphosate in the EU up to 2034? Danger to health and environment and violation of citizens will
- NGOs urge Ursula von der Leyen to hold true to Green Deal commitment on export of banned chemicals
- Negative effect of pesticide exposure for farmers and farm workers
September Newsletter 2023
- Glyphosate is polluting our waters all across Europe
- Is glyphosate safe for health and the environment?
- EU glyphosate evaluation fails to acknowledge key mechanism that can lead to cancer
- European citizens support an EU ban of glyphosate
- Ranking of the top fruits with pesticide residues this summer
August Newsletter 2023
- Leaked: EU Commission plans to swiftly reapprove glyphosate to avoid scientific and public debate
- Will the EU prolong the use of a Toxic 12 and a PFAS pesticide?
- By deregulating new GMOs, the European Commission goes against the will of its own citizens
- 29 illegal new pesticide derogations, EU Commission closes eyes
- Stop the export of EU-banned and hazardous pesticides
July Newsletter 2023
- #Pestgate: why the EU pesticide control does not work the way it should
- Help to Save Bees and Farmers now!
- EU citizens are not protected against neurotoxic effects of pesticides
- Under the Surface: A Deep Dive Into EU Water Pollution
- European Parliament calls for action to curb water pollution
June Newsletter 2023
- For the very first time: ban proposed because pesticide is an endocrine disruptor
- Conservatives announce general attack on Green Deal
- Toxic 12 down to 10! One of Europe’s most toxic pesticides finally banned
- New guidance document to better protect bees against pesticides
- Two new legal procedures against EU Commission