2023-12-21 |
Glyphosate Study Sparks New Concerns: Leukemia Cases in Young Rats |
Belgium |
BNN Breaking |
2023-12-21 |
A glifozát-alapú gyomirtó szerek összefüggésbe hozhatók a fiatal korban jel... |
Hungary |
Zöld Újság |
2023-12-21 |
New Study Sparks Renewed Debate on Glyphosate’s Safety |
Belgium |
BNN Breaking |
2023-12-20 |
Bij wetenschappers klinkt zorg over pesticide glyfosaat, bij de toelatingsi... |
Netherlands |
2023-12-18 |
Commission sticks with pesticides proposal as NGOs plead for support |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2023-12-15 |
'Het regent pesticiden uit kassen' |
Netherlands |
2023-12-13 |
PAN Europe meet hoge waardes pesticiden aan serre in Sint-Katelijne-Waver:... |
Belgium |
Het Nieuwsblad |
2023-12-13 |
High levels of pesticides detected in water samples around greenhouses |
Belgium |
The Brussels Ti... |
2023-12-12 |
It Rains Pesticides from Greenhouses |
Germany |
Agrar Pressepor... |
2023-12-12 |
Pesticides : action européenne en justice de Générations Futures contre les... |
France |
Reussir |
2023-12-12 |
Residuen van bestrijdingsmiddelen in regen- en oppervlaktewatermonsters ron... |
Netherlands |
Agri Holland |
2023-12-12 |
Des niveaux élevés de pesticides détectés autour de serres, selon une étude... |
Belgium |
L'Avenir |
2023-12-12 |
Onderzoek van watermonsters bevestigt dat "gesloten" kassen een a... |
Netherlands |
Zwijndrecht.net |
2023-12-12 |
Onderzoek PAN naar emissie kassen toont grote verschillen binnen EU |
Netherlands |
Groenten &... |
2023-12-12 |
Closed greenhouses still leak |
EU |
Hortidaily |
2023-12-12 |
EU agriculture committee calls for ban on patenting NGT-derived plants |
UK |
Feed Navigator |
2023-12-07 |
Pesticides : réunion secrète entre la Commission et l’industrie |
France |
InfOGM |
2023-12-06 |
Amit ezzel lefújnak, az kipusztul, minden zöld növény elhal |
Hungary |
Telex |
2023-12-05 |
Chronique des désastres climatiques et écologiques produits par la civilisa... |
EU |
Info Libertaire |
2023-12-05 |
A three-day retreat for EU and national pesticide regulators in Germany beg... |
EU |
Politico |
2023-12-04 |
Regulators and pesticide manufacturers have a get together at the Christmas... |
Netherlands |
Follow the Mone... |
2023-12-04 |
Toezichthouders en fabrikanten van landbouwgif gaan voor onderonsje naar de... |
Netherlands |
Follow the Mone... |
2023-12-04 |
Idanha: Estudo pedido pela câmara desmente excesso de glifosato |
Portugal |
Reconquista |
2023-12-04 |
The two-year lobbying campaign to sabotage pesticide-reduction |
EU |
Pressenza |
2023-12-04 |
Podaljšanje odobritve glifosata – predaja sodišču EU s strani NVO |
Slovenia |
Najdi |
2023-12-02 |
Campagna lobbistica durata due anni per sabotare la riduzione dei pesticidi |
Italy |
Pressenza |
2023-12-02 |
Die zweijährige Lobbykampagne zur Sabotage der Pestizid Reduzierung |
Germany |
Pressenza, Aust... |
2023-11-30 |
Parlamento Europeo. La UE renueva por 10 años el glifosato y rechaza la red... |
Spain |
LaIzquirdaDiari... |
2023-11-29 |
PAN Europa presentará una queja contra la reautorización del glifosato |
Spain |
AgroPopular |
2023-11-29 |
Dopuszczenie glifosatu – organizacje zaskarżą Komisję Europejską? |
Poland |
Top Agrar |
2023-11-29 |
To już oficjalne: rolnicy mogą stosować glifosat przez 10 lat. Wkurzeni zie... |
Poland |
2023-11-29 |
Mitől vált híressé, majd hírhedtté a glifozát? |
Hungary |
Magyar Narancs |
2023-11-28 |
EU-Zulassung von Unkrautvernichter Glyphosat offiziell erneuert |
Germany |
Proplanta |
2023-11-28 |
Sabotaging EU Pesticide Reduction Law (SUR) |
EU |
Pressenza |
2023-11-28 |
Będzie pozew przeciwko przedłużeniu zatwierdzenia glifosatu |
Poland |
Farmer.pl |
2023-11-28 |
Glifosato per altri 10 anni: la Commissione Europea rinnova l’autorizzazion... |
Italy |
Il Fatto Quotid... |
2023-11-27 |
Dimezzamento dei pesticidi: il Parlamento europeo respinge la proposta |
Italy |
LifeGate |
2023-11-27 |
Glyfosaat vermijden? 6 concrete tips om uw blootstelling aan pesticiden te... |
Belgium |
Knack |
2023-11-27 |
Moet u zich zorgen maken over pesticiden op uw bord? |
Belgium |
Knack |
2023-11-27 |
Uso dei pesticidi: la UE non lo taglierà del 50% |
Italy |
Ecquologia |
2023-11-27 |
Glyphosat: Klage gegen Zulassungsverlängerung |
Switzerland |
Schweizer Bauer |
2023-11-26 |
PAN Europe sleept Europese Commissie voor de rechter over glyfosaattoelatin... |
Netherlands |
MSN and Foodlog |
2023-11-25 |
PAN Europe sleept Europese Commissie voor de rechter over glyfosaattoelatin... |
2023-11-25 |
Šokantni rezultati istraživanja u Njemačkoj: Pogledajte šta je pronađeno u... |
Bosnia |
Radio Sarajevo |
2023-11-24 |
EU utvider godkjennelsen til glyfosat |
Norway |
Steigan |
2023-11-24 |
EU verabschiedet sich von Pestizid-Zielen – Experte empört: „Unsere Forschu... |
Germany |
Frankfurter Run... |
2023-11-24 |
„Wir bewegen uns auf eine Sackgasse zu“ |
Spain |
Salto |
2023-11-24 |
La Unión Europea prorrogó el uso del glifosato |
El Auditor, |
2023-11-24 |
Milieuorganisaties willen Europese verlenging van vergunning voor glyfosaat... |
Belgium |
Landbouwleven |
2023-11-23 |
EU-Parlament lehnt Pestizidreduzierung ab |
Germany |
BioHandel |
2023-11-23 |
Les "sucriers" doivent réinventer la protection des betteraves |
Belgium |
L'Echo |
2023-11-23 |
EU-parlement haalt streep door plan voor halvering pesticidegebruik |
Netherlands |
Reformatorisch... |
2023-11-23 |
ЕП отхвърли предложението на ЕК за амбициозно намаляване на пестицидите в Е... |
Bulgaria |
Agro |
2023-11-23 |
Copa/Cocega fordert neuen Anlauf mit mehr Dialog |
Germany |
Agrarzeitung |
2023-11-23 |
Parlamento Europeu chumba redução do uso de pesticidas |
Portugal |
Esquerda |
2023-11-22 |
Überblick am Morgen/Konjunktur, Zentralbanken, Politik |
Germany |
Finanzen |
2023-11-22 |
‘A very black day’: Parliament torpedoes Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regu... |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2023-11-22 |
Milieuorganisaties willen Europese verlenging van vergunning voor glyfosaat... |
Netherlands |
De Specialist |
2023-11-22 |
Pesticides: EU Parliament rejects 50% cut by 2030 |
Ireland |
Agriland |
2023-11-22 |
“A Black Day for the Environment”: Pesticide Use Reduction Fails in PE | Bi... |
UK |
Outdoor Enthusi... |
2023-11-22 |
Europaparlament kippt Pestizidgesetz |
Germany |
1&1 |
2023-11-22 |
Renouvellement du glyphosate : pas de restriction d'usage supplémentai... |
France |
La France Agric... |
2023-11-22 |
Glyphosate : après sa réautorisation par Bruxelles, des ONG annoncent un re... |
France |
l'Humanité |
2023-11-22 |
Pesticidi, il Parlamento europeo boccia il regolamento della Commissione su... |
Italy |
Help Consumator... |
2023-11-22 |
NGOs announce to take legal action in the European Union against the renewa... |
UK |
Actual News Mag... |
2023-11-22 |
“Um dia negro para o ambiente e os agricultores”: redução do uso de pestici... |
Italy |
Publico |
2023-11-22 |
NGOs: Glyphosat-Wiederzulassung soll angefochten werden |
Germany |
Gartenbau |
2023-11-22 |
Glyphosate en Europe : recours en justice, réglementation des États membres... |
France |
Sud Ouest |
2023-11-22 |
Glyphosate : des ONG vont saisir la justice de l’UE contre la reconduction... |
Algeria |
AL24 |
2023-11-22 |
PAN Europe va porter plainte contre la réautorisation du glyphosate |
France |
Reussir |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate : des ONG annoncent saisir la justice de l'Union européenne... |
France |
France Info |
2023-11-21 |
What’s Bayer’s Roundup and Why Is It Controversial? |
Bloomberg |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate en Europe : recours en justice, réglementation des Etats membres... |
France |
Sud Ouest |
2023-11-21 |
Verlängerung von Glyphosatzulassung: NGOs kündigen Klage an |
Austria |
2023-11-21 |
Organisaties willen omstreden glyfosaatbesluit aanvechten bij rechter |
Netherlands |
RTL Nieuws |
2023-11-21 |
Actiegroep begint rechtszaak over toelating glyfosaat |
Netherlands |
Dagblad Trouw |
2023-11-21 |
PAN Europe vecht EU-besluit over glyfosaat aan bij Europees Hof |
Netherlands |
Akkerwijzer |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate: plusieurs ONG prévoient de saisir la Cour de justice de l'... |
France |
Capital |
2023-11-21 |
Rechtszaak tegen toelating glyfosaat |
Netherlands |
Boerderij |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate : des ONG vont saisir la justice de l'UE contre la reconduc... |
France |
Le Figaro |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate: NGOs to challenge renewal in EU court |
Ireland |
Agriland |
2023-11-21 |
NGOs fechten wiederzulassung von glyphosat vor EU-gericht an |
Germany |
Deutscher Press... |
2023-11-21 |
NGOs challenge glyphosate re-approval in EU court |
HortWeek |
2023-11-21 |
¿Qué es el herbicida Roundup de la marca Bayer y por qué genera tanta polém... |
Spain |
La Republica |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate: des ONG vont saisir la justice de l'Union Européenne contr... |
2023-11-21 |
Glyphosate licence approval to be challenged in court |
Ireland |
The Farmers Jou... |
2023-11-20 |
Alerte : les 10 aliments les plus contaminés par les pesticides et qui se r... |
France |
Tameteo |
2023-11-20 |
EU utvider godkjennelsen til glyfosat |
Norway |
Hemali |
2023-11-20 |
România se revoltă împotriva reducerii de-a valma a consumului de pesticide... |
Romania |
Jurnalul |
2023-11-19 |
Les dérogations sont légion en Belgique : voici pourquoi cela pose problème |
Belgium |
Moustique et La... |
2023-11-19 |
UE prorroga por mais 10 anos licença para uso do glifosato |
Brazil |
Poder 360 |
2023-11-17 |
The herbicide glyphosate gets 10 more years in the EU |
US |
C&AN |
2023-11-17 |
Glifosatoa beste hamar urtetarako baimendu dute: "Osasun publikoa eta... |
Spain |
Argia, Basque C... |
2023-11-17 |
Κομισιόν:Παράταση για τη γλυφοσάτη, το φυτοφάρμακο που “δίχασε” την Ευρώπη |
Greece |
Eco Zen |
2023-11-17 |
Агро Телеграф: Пестициди пълни с вечни химикали |
Bulgaria |
Telegraph |
2023-11-17 |
Κομισιόν:Παράταση για τη γλυφοσάτη, το φυτοφάρμακο που "δίχασε" τ... |
Greece |
Ecozen |
2023-11-17 |
Glifosato, la Commissione europea autorizza l’utilizzo per altri 10 anni |
Italy |
La Nuova Ecolog... |
2023-11-16 |
Organisaties blijven pleiten voor totaalverbod op glyfosaat |
Netherlands |
RTL Nieuws |
2023-11-16 |
Enttäuschung in Südtirol über verpasstes Glyphosat-Verbot |
Italy |
Rai News |
2023-11-16 |
EU approves the use of glyphosate for at least another ten years |
UK |
EU Policies |