
November 2018

Stop the extension of the approval of toxic pesticides, starting with chlorpyrifos

Brussels 22-11-2018

Subject: Stop the extension of the approval of toxic pesticides, starting with chlorpyrifos

Dear Members of the ENVI Committee,

At your meeting of November 26th, you will exchange views with the Commission on ‘the Implementing Regulation regarding the extension of the approval periods of several active substances’, including chlorpyrifos the controversial organophosphate insecticides that affects brain development in infants and children[1]. Scientific evidence shows this substance lowers our children’s IQ and is linked to autism. According to the new decision, exposure to this toxic substance chlorpyrifos will now be prolonged until 2020. Read more>>

November 2018

Action needed to ensure a higher level of protection from pesticides in Europe


A European Coalition

Brussels 23-11-2018

Dear Permanent Representation to the EU,

We, the members of the European coalition “Citizens for Science in Pesticide Regulation”[1] -consisting of more than 120 environmental, health, trade union, consumer protection, scientific and medical organisations and institutions, as well as concerned individuals- call on you to take action to urgently reform the current procedure of pesticide authorization and protect citizens and the environment against all potential harm caused by the use of pesticides in the production of our food and management of public (or private) areas.   

Read more>>

November 2018

EU Plant Protein Plan

18th October 2018

To: Mr Gerfried Gruber Head of Department for the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Agriculture Brussels, 

Subject: Civil society views on the EU Plant Protein Plan ahead of Vienna launch 

Continue reading

November 2018

Letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis on Dow chemicals' misconduct on Chlorpyrifos

Concerning: Unreported neurodevelopmental adverse effects of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl on rodents in toxicity studies

October 2018

Open Letter: Glyphosate Use in Lisbon/ European Green Capital 2020

June 2018

Open letter: Presentation of production and yield forecasts in the civil dialogue, management and market observatory on arable crops on organic and on pesticide use

May 2018

Open letter: integrating the European Citizen Initiative on Glyphosate into the Common Agricultural Policy delivery model

May 2018

Open Letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis: implementing Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides to ensure compliance with neonicotinoid restrictions

April 2018

Open NGO Letter: Glyphosate: an emblematic failure of the EU pesticides regime

March 2018

NGO Letter on CAP Objectives

Open Joing NGO Letter to Vice-President Timmermans and Commissioner Hogan on the CAP Priorities

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.