
February 2025

Position Paper: Strengthening EU Guidance on negligible exposure to pesticides

The EU pesticide regulation does not allow substances that are proven to be carcinogens, reprotoxic substances, and endocrine disruptors. However, the regulation provides a theoretical exception if exposure is ‘negligible’. This means that their use in pesticide products should lead to no human contact and non-detectable residues in food.

January 2025

Implementation of the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture requires ambitious policy action to reduce pesticides

Recommendations for the EU Vision for Agriculture and Food

The EU Vision for Agriculture and Food should prioritise policy action to ambitiously reduce pesticides. Reducing pesticide use and risk is a key objective of the Green Deal. Reducing pesticide use and risk is essential to apply and implement the political principles and recommendations of the outcome of the Strategic Dialogue on EU Agriculture (SDA). The SDA report explicitly underlines the need to reduce pesticides.

December 2024

Flemish pesticides plan protects pesticides, not nature or health

The Flemish government approved a new pesticide plan last week, but it falls fundamentally short. While pesticides are harmful to biodiversity and public health, it lacks effective measures. The precautionary principle, European directives and scientific recommendations are ignored. Who actually benefits from this plan?

December 2024

TFA: The ‘Forever Chemical’ in European Mineral Waters

What do mineral waters and a ‘forever chemical’ with a difficult-to-pronounce name like trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) have in common? Nothing, at least in an ideal world. Unfortunately, reality paints a different picture.

November 2024

NGO recommendations for trilogue negotiations on the Soil Monitoring Law

Healthy soils are essential for life, providing the foundation for 95% of the food we eat. They filter and store water, help plants grow and are critical to the long-term resilience and stability of farmer’s livelihoods, especially in the face of increasing extreme weather events. Currently, over 60% of soils are undergoing degradation processes.

September 2024

NGOs recommendations for revised lists of priority substances for surface and groundwater

Aquatic ecosystems are home to a wide range of species and are vital for society and economic activities, yet they are under immense pressure from anthropogenic impact. More than 20 years after agreeing on the EU’s main water law, the Water Framework Directive, only one-third of Europe’s surface water bodies are in good chemical status. While the reported status of groundwater is slightly better, large regional differences reflect varied levels of monitoring efforts among Member States.

April 2024

PAN Europe’s feedback on Commission’s public consultation: European Food Safety Authority - evaluation of performance 2017-2024

PAN Europe highlights that EFSA being strictly independent as an EU scientific agency is crucial for decisions on protecting health and the environment from pesticides. Known risks from synthetic pesticides include cancer, endocrine disruption and neurodegenerative diseases, even at low doses. In 2009, the EU enacted Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 to prevent exposure to harmful pesticides and protect the environment.

April 2024

Residues of EU-banned pesticides in EU food: What the law really says about double standards

The EU Pesticide Regulation (1107/2009) is, in theory, one of the strictest regulations in the world. To guarantee a high level of protection, it requires that pesticides and their residues have no harmful effects on human health and animal health and no unacceptable effects on the environment. While many potentially harmful pesticides are still on the EU market, others got banned from the EU food production thanks to this strict regulation’s requirement.

February 2024

Toxic Harvest: Ban PFAS pesticides

While it is now notorious that PFAS are used in diverse consumer products (such as frying pans, textiles, food packaging etc), it is less well known that PFAS pesticides are intentionally sprayed on food crops. Yet, food is a systematic and direct route of exposure to PFAS pesticides for citizens. 37 pesticide active substances approved in the European Union are PFAS according to EU regulators. Some are persistent themselves and others break down into persistent metabolites, such as trifluoroacetic acid (TFA).

January 2024

A PAN Europe briefing on the assessment of safeners and synergists in view of the European Commission’s draft Regulation

“Plant protection products – data requirements and gradual review of safeners and synergists.”

Summary : According to EU Regulation on Pesticides (Reg. (EC) 1107/2009), pesticides placed on the EU market should have no harmful effects to human and animal health and no unacceptable effects to the environment (Art.1 & 4). This concerns pesticide products and all their ingredients including active substances, safeners, synergists and co-formulants.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.