PAN-Europe position "Is the Pesticide Industry really serious about their slogan? Time to Change: Accepting the challenge."
Criteria for the determination of endocrine disrupting properties
By the early 1990’s, it was established that the traditional toxicological testing protocols used to determine chemical safety had completely missed vast numbers of chemicals that penetrate the womb and interfere with the construction and programming of developing animals, including humans.
PAN-Europe position “Contribution on research needs for 2014-2020: Crop rotation – the forgotten practice in European Agriculture”
PAN-Europe opinion on the Humboldt report on “The value of Neonicotinoids seed treatment in the European Union”
How NGOs can help farmers to get a higher price for their products
In this briefing you may read experiences of NGOs who have helped farmers in getting a fairer price for their products.
Innovation and resource efficiency – the way forward is reducing chemical input dependency
Pesticides and the loss of biodiversity
How intensive pesticide use affects wildlife populations and species diversity
Presenting research into the impact of pesticides on biodiversity and detailing current policies and methods for biodvieristy conservation.
PAN Europe position paper on Commission proposal for a Directive on machinery for pesticide application (2008/0172-COD)
Analysis of UK Pesticides Safety Directorate report on the proposed cut off criteria and substitution provisions
Message in a Bottle
An investigation uncovering large numbers of pesticide residues in bottles of wine on sale in the European Union.