Pesticide Use Reduction Strategies in Europe: six success stories

United Kingdom

Pesticide Use Reduction
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BELGIUM: A Fruit Farmers’ Initiative

GAWI is a Belgian fruit farmers association which works to support its members in adopting Integrated Pest Management strategies. Membership includes 43 fruit producers whose combined farmland accounts for two thirds of the total fruit area in Wallonia.

GAWI has its own standards for Integrated Production based on IOBC guidelines, and provides an ongoing training program consisting of 2-3 farmer group meetings each year. In addition GAWI operates a warning service for major pests and diseases, and provides expert advice by phone.

GAWI further supports its members by marketing their produce under the ‘Fruitnet’ label – a logo which denotes IP fruit throughout Belgium. At present Fruitnet markets up to 12% of Belgian pome fruit production, mostly via the Belgium retail chain Delhaize-Le-Lion which carries Fruitnet produce in 120 national outlets.