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Conference: Belgium moving towards pesticide free towns

Monday the 8 June 2015

Programme available in English, Dutch and French. A short curricula of some the speakers is also available in English, Dutch and French. Download the questionnaires for the municipality / town in French, Dutch or German.


9.00 Welcome by Martin Dermine, PAN Europe

9.10-11.00 Session 1. Some good examples towards pesticide free towns/municipalities

11.00-11.15: coffee break

11.15- 13.00 Session 2: Pesticide Free Towns - frontrunners to inspire others on sustainable urban development

Round table with speakers and Denis Godeaux (SPW), Dan Slootmakers (VMM), Manuela de Vaulx de Champion (IBGE), Frédéric Jomaux (Pôle wallon de gestion différenciée)

13.00 Breaking for lunch – each participant will receive a voucher for use in the restaurant

14.00-15.00 Session 3. Towns engaging with civil society in reaching its citizens towards pesticide free towns

Round table with Bastien Domken (ADALIA), Greet Tijskens (VELT), Bénédicte Charlier (Natagora) Koen Hertoge (PAN Italy), Marc Fischers (Nature et Progrès), Marc Wollast (Apis Bruoc Sella)

15.00-16.30 Session 4. Invasive species: the importance of collaborating, monitoring and exchange of best practices

Round table on how invasive species are managed in public areas across Belgium, with speakers and Philippe Bizoux (SPW), Manuela de Vaulx de Champion (IBGE) and Dan Slootmakers (VMM)

16.30 conclusions by Martin Dermine, PAN Europe

16.45 End of conference

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