PAN Europe in the news

2024-05-02 Call for EU to ban sale of pesticides already outlawed in the bloc (Chemistry World, United Kingdom)
2024-05-02 PAN Europe fait appel pour interdire la cyperméthrine (La France Agricole, France)
2024-04-26 EU-hof: middelentoelating Ctgb in strijd met wet (Nieuwe Oogst, Netherlands)
2024-04-25 Europees Hof kraakt Nederlands toelatingsbeleid pesticiden (Duurzaam Ondernemen, Netherlands)
2024-04-23 Member states discuss full ban on thiacloprid (ENDS Europe, EU)
2024-04-16 Veleni nel piatto: Pfas in frutta e verdura (TV 2000, Italy)
2024-03-27 Så kan Sverige stötta hållbart producerade läkemedel (Aktuell Hallbarhet, Sweden)
2024-03-22 «La plus grande menace chimique au XXIe siècle» (Blue News, Switzerland)
2024-03-20 Petition zu PFAS: „Giftfreies Europa jetzt!“ (Pressenza, Germany)
2024-03-16 EU set to water down climate rules to placate angry farmers (Luxembourg Times, Luxembourg)
2024-03-14 Verde per davvero: è l’insalata idroponica Coop! (Consumatori Coop, Italy)
2024-03-10 Glyfosaat verdwijnt over een paar jaar, maar wat dan? (Dagblad Trouw, Netherlands)
2024-03-09 Bayer está a desenvolver alternativa ao controverso herbicida glifosato (Communidado de Cultara Arte, Portugal, Brazil)
2024-03-07 2023: An Activist Annus Horribilis (Seed World, EU)
2024-03-01 經典西班牙海鮮飯遇危機! 歐盟農藥禁令農民炸鍋 (Environmental Information Center, China)
2024-02-29 Evropska komisija umika predlog uredbe o pesticidih (Lasvolta, Slovenia)

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.