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MDRGF: 'Our Children will Accuse Us' - a film by Jean Paul Jaud

French public awareness of the damaging impacts of pesticides took another giant leap forward on 5 November 2008 with the film premier of 'Nos enfants nous accuseront', a feature length documentary now showing in mainstream cinemas across France. The film is the brainchild of Jean Paul Jaud a famous French TV Director who became aware of the consequences of industrial agriculture having recovered from cancer a few years ago.

Following his illness Jean Paul decided to make a documentary on the effects of hazardous pesticides. His film centres on Barjac - a typical rural village situated in southern France where local residents decided to take action against the effects of pesticides and whose school canteen now serves only organic food.

In preparing to make the documentary Jean Paul Jaud approached MDRGF to advise him on pesticides and health. 'Nos enfants nous accuseront' has already created quite a buzz in France receiving widespread publicity in the French national media. A six minute on-line preview of the film is shown above (French with English subtitles) and more information can be found at

Also see bande annonce de Notre poison quotidien.

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