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PESTICIDE REDUCTION PROGRAMMES IN GERMANY AND THE UK: Experiences and Contributions within a Europe wide approach

5 July, Hamburg

On 5 July 2005 PAN Germany and PAN UK in cooperation with PAN Europe organised the workshop “Pesticide Reduction Programmes in Germany and the UK – Experiences and Contributions within a Europe wide Approach”.

Workshop proceedings [PDF 1,09MB]

In the first session the European political framework for national pesticide policies and also the history of the development of pesticide reduction programmes in Europe were highlighted. The main topic of the second session was a detailed view of the official German and the official British pesticide reduction policies and in addition to have a look at these national policies from the retailers and from the farmer points of view. In the third session other European pesticide reduction experiences were taken into account (Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria). The final session served to draw conclusions.

Welcome & Introduction

Introducing the background and reason for this workshop from the PAN point of view [PDF 12.7KB]
Carina Weber, Executive Director PAN Germany, Chair PAN Europe Board
Stephanie Williamson, PAN UK, PAN Europe Board Member

Session 1: Background

The history and rationalism of pesticide use reduction programs in Europe [PDF 72.4KB]
Catherine Wattiez, Pesticide Action Network Europe

Session 2: Approaches and Experiences in Germany and the UK

The German approach [PDF 326KB]
Wolfgang Zombach, Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture

NGO Statement [PDF 130KB]
Carina Weber, PAN Germany

The UK approach [PDF 413KB]
Clare Butler-Ellis, PAN UK

Farmers’ experience: Germany [PDF 1,06MB]
Erich Jörg, Agricultural Public Service Centre Rhineland

Retailer and Food Companies’ experience: Germany [PDF 543KB]
Gerhard Ostermann, Langnese-Iglo

Retailer and Food Companies’ experience: UK [PDF 336KB]
Kevin Barker, Co-op

Farmers’ experience: UK [PDF 17.4KB]
Simon Bowen, Solanum

Session 3: Elements for success – Experiences in other European Countries

Denmark [PDF 418KB]
Hans Nielsen, The Ecological Council

The Netherlands [PDF 21.7KB]
Hans Muilerman, Natuur en Milieu

Belgium [PDF 42.4KB]
Esmeralda Borgo, Bond Beter Leefmilieu

Austria [PDF 422KB]
Helmut Burtscher, Global 2000

Session 4: Creating and agenda for success

Lessons to learn? What are the different conditions for pesticide use reduction programmes in different European Countries to be considered? What should be avoided? What are elements of success applicable in other countries?

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the ANGLO-GERMAN FOUNDATION as well as by the European Commission – DG Environment, The Sigrid Rausing Trust, the German Bundesumweltminsterium (BMU) and the Umweltbundesamt (UBA).

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